Refuge BJJ has an amazing
competition team. And more often then not, you will find a tournament listed on our schedule of events. Below is an insight on how our coaches determine which events to promote and support.
- We read the rule set for kids & adults to ensure safe practice
- We validate the tournament uses qualified referees (brown or black belts with training or certification)
- We aim to find local tournaments that are within a reasonable distance from our gym.
- We try to support tournaments with superior:
- Technical operations (online registration, posted schedules, posted brackets)
- "Flow": organization & on-time
- Customer service and support for issues

- We check to ensure coaches are available. It is so important to us to be present for our students and will not promote a tournament we cannot attend.
- Some tournament organizations hold more esteem in the jiu-jitsu community when compared to others. We like to give opportunities to newer organizations, but also afford our students the opportunity to compete against the best of the best.
Past Experience
- Our past experience with different organizations will impact whether or not we recommend them

Regardless of our promoting, our students are welcome to register an attend any tournament that interests them. Please let Coach Josh or Coach Ryan know if you have registered for a tournament not advertised by the gym so we can provide you as much support as possible.